<style type="text/css"> <!-- #addbox { position: relative; width: 500px; height: 70 px; clip: rect(0px, 500px, 0px, 70px); overflow: hidden; } #banner1 { position: relative; width: 480px; height: 60px; left: 0; top: 5px; } #banner2 { position: relative; width: 480px; height: 60px; left: 500px; top: -55px !important; top:-58px; } --> </style> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- /* This script and many more are available free online at The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com Created by: Ben Kanaev :: http://www.webhostreview.biz Adaptation for Netscape and Firefox by Fang */ var displayTime, speed, wait, banner1, banner2, link1, link2, bannerIndex, bannerLocations, bannerURLs; function initVar() { displayTime = 10; // The amount of time each banner will be displayed in seconds. speed = 5; // The speed at which the banners is moved (1 - 10, anything above 5 is not recommended). wait = true; banner1 = document.getElementById("banner1"); banner2 = document.getElementById("banner2"); link1 = document.getElementById("link1"); link2 = document.getElementById("link2"); banner1 = document.getElementById("banner1"); banner2 = document.getElementById("banner2"); banner1.style.left = 0; banner2.style.left = 500; bannerIndex = 1; /* Important: In order for this script to work properly, please make sure that the banner graphic and the URL associated with it have the same index in both, the bannerLocations and bannerURLs arrays. Duplicate URLs are permitted. */ // Enter the location of the banner graphics in the array below. bannerLocations = new Array("https://img.webme.com/pic/k/kodmaster/reklam.gif1.gif","https://img.webme.com/pic/k/kodmaster/reklamccankoqf5.gif","https://img.webme.com/pic/k/kodmaster/reklam.gif1.gif"); // Enter the URL's to which the banners will link to in the array below. bannerURLs = new Array("http://www.kodmaster.tr.gg","http://www.kodmaster.tr.gg","http://www.kodmaster.tr.gg"); } function moveBanner(){ if(!wait){ banner1.style.left = parseInt(banner1.style.left) - (speed * 5); banner2.style.left = parseInt(banner2.style.left) - (speed * 5); if(parseInt(banner1.style.left) <= -500){ banner1.style.left = 500; bannerIndex = (bannerIndex < (bannerLocations.length - 1)) ? ++bannerIndex :0; banner1.src = bannerLocations[bannerIndex]; link1.href = bannerURLs[bannerIndex]; wait = true; } if(parseInt(banner2.style.left) <= -500){ banner2.style.left = 500; bannerIndex = (bannerIndex < (bannerLocations.length - 1)) ? ++bannerIndex :0; banner2.src = bannerLocations[bannerIndex]; link2.href = bannerURLs[bannerIndex]; wait = true; } setTimeout("moveBanner()",100); } else { wait = false; setTimeout("moveBanner()", displayTime * 1000); } } --> </script> </HEAD> <!-- STEP TWO: Insert the onLoad event handler into your BODY tag --> <BODY onLoad="initVar(); moveBanner()"> <!-- STEP THREE: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document --> <div align="center"> <div name="addbox" id="addbox"> <a name="link1" id="link1" href="http://www.kodmaster.tr.gg"><img border="0" name="banner1" id="banner1" src="https://img.webme.com/pic/k/kodmaster/reklam.gif1.gif"></a> <a name="link2" id="link2" href="http://www.kodmaster.tr.gg"><img border="0" name="banner2" id="banner2" src="https://img.webme.com/pic/k/kodmaster/reklamccankoqf5.gif"></a> </div></div><p> <!-- Script Size: 3.84 KB -->